A Homeless Pooch Finds Peace in a Kind Stranger’s Company

On a scorching day in Dubai, Anand Raman made a visit to his sister’s workplace. As he walked, he noticed how everybody around him was attempting to stay cool. It was then that he spotted a small, grimy dog taking refuge under a parked vehicle, munching on scraps left by the workers. The creature’s fur was tangled and its legs were a little off. However, when the canine saw Raman, it ran towards him as if they were lifelong friends. Although Raman hadn’t planned on rescuing an animal that day, the happy dog’s demeanor convinced him otherwise.
“He approached me with a curious but excited disposition, wagging his tail excitedly,” stated Raman. “This demeanor of his is what initially made me fall in love with him.” After spending some time petting the pooch, Raman picked him up and took him with him. The dog immediately fell asleep on his shoulder as they drove away.

Anand Raman saves a young dog off the streets of Dubai

Together with his sister and brother-in-law, Raman successfully transported the canine to the veterinary clinic. According to Raman, the dog appeared drained when they first found him, which prompted him to doze off immediately during the car ride to the hospital. The veterinarian later informed them that the dog’s unsteady movement was due to rickets caused by inadequate nourishment. Fortunately, the condition is treatable and should not have any long-term negative effects. After bringing the dog home, Raman gave it a bath and was surprised to witness its pure white fur shining through after removing all the dirt and grime.

Snowy the street dog adjusts to his new home

Raman gave the name Snowy to his furry dog, inspired by the loyal dog character in the comic book series “The Adventures of Tintin.”

Snowy the rescued street dog cuddles with his dad

Raman found it challenging to teach the young dog, who had been a street dog all his life, that he was finally safe. Initially, the dog struggled with adapting to the house and didn’t know where to go or what to explore, preferring to stay in a corner. During walks, the dog would get anxious and tried to yank its leash away, afraid that Raman would leave him back on the streets. It took some time before the dog realized that Raman and his family were not going to let him go anywhere fast.

After a couple of months, Snowy has finally realized that he is cherished and valued. His owner, Raman, shared that Snowy now sleeps peacefully and eagerly waits for them to come home. Upon their arrival, Snowy showered them with so much love, and they return the same affection towards him. They also noticed that Snowy gets along with other dogs and behaves well around kids and guests. Though there is one thing that hasn’t changed from his past, Snowy still loves cuddling with his dad, even when wide awake.

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